- #Sims medieval cheats rp install
- #Sims medieval cheats rp Pc
- #Sims medieval cheats rp windows 7
- #Sims medieval cheats rp mac
\Electronic Arts\The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Iniģ. Browse to Program Files (x86 in some cases)Ģ.
#Sims medieval cheats rp windows 7
To see them all, type help.Įxtra Instructions for Windows 7 (need admin rights)ġ. You can mess up your game, but I'm sure you're a very responsible cheater, right? Here are some of the more interesting commands found there. Note the warning EA placed in the configuration file.

Now you can save the file, and you'll have access to more powerful commands through the cheat menu. Change TestingCheatsEnabled=0 to TestingCheatsEnabled=1 On any OS, you can now open the file with notepad. Once that opens you click on Contents, Recourses, Transgaming, c_drive, Program Files, Electronic Arts, The Sims Medieval, Game Data, Shared, Non packaged, ini.ĮA made the file read-only, so you'll need to undo that by right-clicking the file and choosing properties ( No Need to do this on Mac). When the menu comes up, click on "show package contents". Hold down Control and click on the Sims Medieval game icon. To Find this on Mac: Go into your applications, then go into the Sims Medieval folder. Once there, head to: The Sims Medieval\GameData\Shared\NonPackaged\Ini\ Edit Commands.ini For 64-bit Windows Vista, this would be in /Program Files (x86)/.
#Sims medieval cheats rp install
In order to use testingcheatsenabled true in The Sims Medieval, you'll need to navigate to your Sims install folder, typically in Program Files/Electronic Arts. Some of the commands, like that to set the video recording size, are not all that useful as the option is available through the video settings interface. help: will display this list and a few others for your use.enablellamas on or off: Disables warning signs that comes with messages making them less urgent and giving you more time.Good for seeing that high quality isn't slowing down your slow video card fps on or off: Displays the game's frame rate.fullscreen on or off: fullscreen off will switch you to a windowed mode.Hideheadlineeffects on or off: Will take the thought bubbles and plumbobs from above Sims. Turn off if you want things to obscure your view. fadeobjects on or off: It defaults to on so you can see behind objects like trees.
The cheat will take tags off the map, like icons for buildings

Will slow down the animations in the game so do it while the game is unpaused.
#Sims medieval cheats rp Pc
Scroll below for instructions on enabling the debug cheats (aka TestingCheatsEnabled True) To bring up the cheat console for PC press Control + Shift + C and type the command, then press enter. I'll list everything that can be done through the console here in order of usefulness. The Sims Medieval doesn't have as many Cheats as The Sims 3, but there are still some useful ones here.
#Sims medieval cheats rp mac
The Sims Medieval Cheats - Money & Quests for PC or Mac Money, Quests, and Llama Codes for use in the Cheat Console